Youth Weekend Leadership Retreat Programs
Shaping Culture & Empower our Youth
Programming and community engagement are at the core of our strategy. We invest heavily in supporting the development of integrated solutions and delivering reliable tools to those who need them most. Discover more about our innovative campaigns below and get in touch to stay up to date regarding our latest efforts.
Affordable membership fees: $60.00
Weekend Leadership Retreat
The goal is to services as a safe haven for our youth. Supporting our future leaders in developing in public speaking, writing, reading, math and their overall wellness. We offer support by license teachers and counselors who work at public agencies. The weekend program is structure in learning stations. Flag Football is the team building activity after clients gain skills academically.
Youth Weekend Leadership Retreat Activities
We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.
Community engagement
Building future leaders
Leadership Camps
Holistic activities
Critical Thinking Skills
Wellness and Teambuilding Activities
Flag Football development
Sports Camps & Leagues
Basketball Camps & Leagues
Stem Camp & events
Poetry events
Weekend Leadership Retreat
We impact our youth by broad their horizons during our community outings. We offer opportunities for our participants to attend worship services, faith based organizations and the community at large events. We explore different traditions through what we call the taste of culture.
Weekend Leadership Camp Program
To remain committed to developing: daily living skills, trusting connections, and positive mindsets through mentoring, volunteering, and fostering entrepreneurship.
dates :
2nd Saturday weekend of every month youth event
2nd Sunday weekend is Church services
4th Sunday weekend of Every Month youth event
Trips are bi- monthly